RxSystems - RxPod

The RxSystems RxPOD software component provides wireless and real time ‘proof of delivery’ data of all your pharmacy’s deliveries and customer returns of all medications, controlled substances and related pharmaceutical products. Installed on high-end PDA’s, the RxPod software captures the tracking number, route, facility, date and time, type of delivery, the signature of who signed for the package and the couriers information. The RxPod software also confirms the control drug chain of custody, while assuring you and your customer that all security requirements are in place. RxSystems RxPod works in conjunction with RxTracking and RxSurvey to offer Long Term Care Pharmacies the ultimate solution to data collection and materials management available in the industry today.

Download the RxSystems RxPod Flyer

RxSystems - RxTracking

The RxSystems RxTracking software component is designed to capture and inventory all of your pharmacy assets in real time with a few clicks of a button. The software allows your pharmacy to track, store and report all your assets not only at your location, but in the field at your customer locations as well. RxTracking software is custom made for the Long Term Care Pharmacy industry. There’s no better way to have a complete record of all of your assets in the field; from med-carts to fax machines to IV pumps. The RxTracking software also provides the ability to track maintenance of medical equipment, and to show a depreciation schedule of your assets.

RxSystems – RxSurvey

The RxSystems RxSurvey software component is an incredible way to keep track of what your customers think about your pharmacy’s services. Complete customized Customer Survey applications, interfaced directly with your courier’s PDA, allow drivers to conduct one on one site surveys at the point of delivery, and transmit the results in real time back to the pharmacy. RxSurveys, in just a few clicks on a PDA, instantly gives you the valuable information you need to help your pharmacy provide better customer service to your customers. RxSurvey, in conjunction with RxPOD software, provides you with the tools, and the valuable data you need to keep your business on the cutting edge of the industry, while keeping your customers satisfied.

RxSystems - RxPECB

The RxSystems Portable Electronic Control Boxes (PECB) were developed and designed specifically for Long Term Care Pharmacies. When used in conjunction with RxSystems data collection and materials management Web-Based application, they offer your pharmacy an affordable answer to complying with the standards of practice and federal regulations for nursing facilities set forth by the Drug Enforcement Administration and the control Substance Act of 1970.

Download the RxSystems RxPECB Flyer

© 2009 Rx Systems - Real Time Pharmaceutical Solutions
7400 W. 14th Ave., Suite 11 | Lakewood, CO 80214
Phone: (303) 601-8984 | Fax: (303) 237-5388